Marianne Szegedy-Maszak's picture
Transition and Traumas of Privatization in Hungary
Gregory Millman's picture
How Financial Markets Invented During the 1980s Have Changed Our Lives
Vince Heptig's picture
A Documentary of Mayan Culture
James Borg's picture
Chemical Disarmament, Proliferation and War
Peter Marin's picture
Homelessness and Marginality in America
Stephen J. Dryden's picture
The Trade Warriors: USTR and America's Struggle in the World Economy
Frank Browning's picture
Community and Identify: The Search for Gay Culture
Dorothea Jackson's picture
Economic Survival in the Southern Highlands
James Rupert's picture
The Re-emergence of Central Asia
Lee Daniels's picture
African Americans in Higher Education, 1965-1990
Joseph Shapiro's picture
The Changing World of Disabled People
Charlise Lyles's picture
A Better Chance: A Unique Educational Experiment
Mac Margolis's picture
The Conquest of the Amazon Frontier
James Lukoski's picture
The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Roger Clawson's picture
Alcohol Abuse by Indians
Michael Massing's picture
U.S. Counterinsurgency Doctrine
Victoria Pope's picture
Eastern Europe in the Era of Gorbachev
Samuel Dillon's picture
Nicaragua's Contra War
Pamela Constable's picture
The Impact of Pinochet's Dictatorship in Chile
Russel Clemings's picture
Salt, Selenium and the Future of Irrigated Agriculture in the West
Wayne Biddie's picture
Corporate History of Defense Spending
William Prochnau's picture
The Media as it Operated in Vietnam and the Aftermath
Steven Mufson's picture
Profiles of Black Political Leaders and Organizations in South Africa
Wil Haygood's picture
The Life and Politics of Adam Clayton Powell, Jr.
David Morrissey's picture
Government secrecy During Recent Presidential Administrations
Suzanne Bilello's picture
The Legacy of 1968 Mexico's Political Future
Michael D'Antonio's picture
Christian America
Myron Levin's picture
The Tobacco Industry
Cristine Russel's picture
Risk and how living can be hazardous to your health
David Burnham's picture
The Internal Revenue Service
Robert Friedman's picture
The rise of the radical right in Israel
Yvonne Baskin's picture
Testing the Future
Natalie Fobes's picture
Pacific Salmon and their struggle to survive
Michael Millenson's picture
Deregulation of the American health-care system
Jonathan Kaufman's picture
The broken alliance between Blacks and Jews in America
Brenda Lane's picture
America's New Black Middle Class
Phyllis Austin's picture
Pulp and paper
Zofia Smardz's picture
Young generations of contemporary Eastern Europe
Margaret Edds's picture
Black Political Power in the South
John Judis's picture
The Development of American Conservative Politics
David Lamb's picture
The Arabs Today
Stephen Shames's picture
Child Poverty in America
Alma Guillermoprieto's picture
Changes in Rural Life Under the Policies of the European Economic Community
Guy Gugliotta's picture
Argentina: The Military in Power - 1976-83
Spencer Sherman's picture
The Struggle of the Hmong in America
John Strohmeyer's picture
A Steel Company's Battle to Survive
Roger Cohn's picture
Public Housing in America
George Johnson's picture
Faces of the 80s in America, a Nation in Transition
